Laboratory Services

Serving our customers’ needs is essential to Omya


About Omya Specialty Materials

Omya designs its laboratory services based on our customers’ requirements and applications. In addition to offering comprehensive world-class customer support, our focused and dedicated technical staff of scientists, engineers, and technicians are available to collaborate in the development of our customers’ innovation pipeline.

With regional application and R&D laboratories located in Cincinnati, OH, St. Louis, MO, and access to a global innovation network, we offer laboratory services to customers to determine starting-point formulations, application and performance testing, comparative analysis, and product recommendations.

Contact our chemist directly to discuss how Omya can support you.

Ask our Chemist

Do you need inspiration for your formulation? Don’t have the time, resources, or equipment needed for your product evaluations? Let our experts put our experience, product, and application knowledge to work for you.

Contact Our Chemist